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Connections Nyt

The Times Crossword: A History of Innovation

From The Crossword to Connections

The Times Crossword has been a beloved puzzle for generations, and it has continued to evolve over the years. In 1942, The Times launched its first crossword puzzle, and it quickly became a hit. Since then, The Times has been at the forefront of crossword innovation, introducing new features and formats that have kept the puzzle fresh and challenging.

In 2020, The Times introduced Connections, a new puzzle game that challenges players to find common threads between words and organize them into groups. Connections has been a huge success, and it has helped to introduce a new generation of puzzle enthusiasts to The Times.

How to Play Connections

Connections is a simple game to learn, but it can be challenging to master. The goal of the game is to find common threads between words and organize them into groups. Each group must have at least three words, and the words must all be related in some way.

For example, you might group the words "dog," "cat," and "bird" together because they are all animals. Or, you might group the words "apple," "banana," and "orange" together because they are all fruits.

Once you have grouped all of the words, you can submit your solution. If your solution is correct, you will earn points. The more points you earn, the higher your score will be.

Tips for Playing Connections

Here are a few tips for playing Connections:

  • Take your time and don't rush. The best way to find common threads between words is to take your time and think carefully about each word.
  • Look for patterns. Often, the words in a group will have a common pattern. For example, they might all start with the same letter, or they might all be related to a specific topic.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to play Connections. Experiment with different grouping strategies until you find one that works for you.

With a little practice, you'll be able to master Connections and become a top scorer. So what are you waiting for? Give Connections a try today!
